Namespace LemonEdge.API.Core.Queryable
An implementation of IQueryableType that returns a QueryableItem for each entity within the entire LemonEdge platform
Holds the defintion for a field that can be queried using our query tools against a IQueryableItem
This contains information about the field and how to query it
A queryable item holds the definition for items that can be queried by our query tools from within the system.
By implementing this interface the system automatically can write sql queries to retrieve that data
For instance this is implenented by all EntityDescriptor to ensure all entities in the system can be queried. It is also implemented by ISQLWrapper so that you can re-query existing queriesIQueryableParamInfo
Holds the defintion for a parameter against a IQueryableItem
This contains information about the parameter and its position so the system knows how to call this queryable item when joining to it and when querying it
A type of items that can be queried within the lemonedge platform.
The standard implementation for this are entities (via EntityDescriptorQueryableType), audit history (via AuditHistoryQueryableType), and all existing sql wrappers (via QueriesQueryableType)
However implementing this and the IQueryableItem interface for each item means the system can generate the sql to query custom information you want to add for it