Namespace LemonEdge.API.Core.Tasks.Parameters
The server task parameters for the clear canvas process
Inherits from the item server task parameter which records the id and label of the ICanvas to have its data cleared
Clears all data associated with a canvasCodeSnippetExecutorParameters
The server task parameters for executing a code snippet on the service
Inherits from the item server task parameter which records the id and label of the BaseObjectType this task should be calculated against
The server task parameters for comparing databases
Holds the parameter for another database alias to compare this current database to
Compares all tables between two databases and results on any differences by table/key.CopyAccountDataParameter
The server task parameters for the copy account data process
Copies *all* account data from one account into another. Destination account should be blank to avoid conflicts/clashes.
The server task parameters for the custom object calculation process
Inherits from the item server task parameter which records the id and label of the ICustomObject that was modified
Commits any changes in the custom object to the database schema. Can only be done if the object is marked as LoadDynamically.DocumentSaveParameter
A standard parameter for saving document binary data.
The server task parameters for executing an Express Report
This task executes the IReportExpress
The server task parameters for executing a query runner
This task executes the SQLWrapperID and for each result it executes each IQueryRunnerStep handler
The server task parameters for executing a Report
This task executes the IReport
The server task parameters for executing a SSRS Report
This task executes the IReportSSRS
The server task parameters for the exporting data to csv server task process
This task exports data from either a ISQLWrapper data source, or from any entity ( EntityDescriptor) in the system
The server data task parameters for the import data process
See for more information
The server task parameters for the import definition process
Inherits from the item server task parameter which records the id and label of the IImportDefinition this task should be run against
A base server task parameter class that can be inherited by server tasks that process algorithms against entities in the system
This allows the selection of the entity in the system for the task to run against
The server task parameters for promoting or deleteing canvas items in bulk
The server task parameters for reconciling data
Holds the parameter for a reconciliation
Compares all data sources in a reconciliation and results on any differences by row/key.ReportParameterAttribute
A custom attribute used to mark any parameter inheriting ExecuteReportParameter that this parameter is for the specified entiy type that inherits IReport
The server task parameters for the reset roles/users/admin user calculation process
The server task parameters for ressetting the sql assemblies
The server task parameters for the reset system roles calculation process
Enumerates all configuration reporting any errors (some that weren't previously subject to validation) and recommendations.
The server task parameters for the trigger action process
Inherits from the item server task parameter which records the id and label of the IActionTrigger this task should be calculated against
Evaluate any triggers setup against the specified data and run associated action.TruncateEntityParameter
The server task parameters for the truncate entity calculation process
Truncates all the tables holding data for this entity, all froeign table entries linking to it are left.
The server task parameters for the upgrade database calculation process
Forces a comparrison of the database with the current loaded entity schema and upgrades the database if any changes from API AddIns are required.
Enumerates all configuration reporting any errors (some that weren't previously subject to validation) and recommendations.
An interface for common parameter properties for parameters that run queries, such as ExportCSVParameter