Enum ImageType
An enum of the standard images within the LemonEdge application.
Images can be referenced by this Enum or by the equivalant Guid value. Guid values outside this enum range refer to unique custom images configured within the LemonEdge platform.
Namespace: LemonEdge.Client.Core.Images
Assembly: Utils.dll
public enum ImageType : short
Name | Description |
AddIn | |
AddInModule | |
Adjustment | |
AdjustmentGroup | |
AllocationRule | |
AmountAllocation | |
Attachment | |
Batch | |
Binoculars | |
BlendingTransactionTypes | |
BlendTransactions | |
Broadcast | |
Busy | |
Button | |
Cancel | |
Canvas | |
Capital | |
Carry | |
Certificate | |
Charts | |
ChecklistComplete | |
ChecklistEmpty | |
ClearingBroker | |
Client | |
Close | |
CloseTabs | |
Closing | |
Cog | |
CogGroup | |
Collapse | |
Comments | |
Company | |
CompanyGroup | |
CompanyOrg | |
ConditionalGate | |
ContactInfo | |
Contract | |
Contracts | |
ContractType | |
Copy | |
CSharpCode | |
Currency | |
CustomView | |
CustomViewControl | |
Cut | |
DatabaseAdd | |
DataModel | |
Dataset | |
DataTableCell | |
DataTableColumn | |
DataTableRow | |
DataView | |
DateTime | |
Delete | |
Design | |
Documents | |
Domicile | |
DownArrow | |
Download | |
DownloadCSV | |
DownloadPDF | |
EditColumn | |
EntityDefinition | |
Equals | |
Eraser | |
Error | |
Excel | |
ExcelSheet | |
ExcelTemplate | |
ExcelWorkbook | |
ExchangeRates | |
Execute | |
Exit | |
Expand | |
Eye | |
Favourite | |
FavouriteAdd | |
FavouriteRemove | |
Fees | |
FileExplorer | |
Filter | |
Folder | |
Function | |
FundEntity | |
Funds | |
GLAccount | |
GLAccountType | |
Grid | |
Handshake | |
History | |
Home | |
Image | |
Industry | |
Information | |
InvestorGroup | |
Layouts | |
Ledger | |
LeftArrow | |
LemonEdge | |
LemonEdgeBlackBackground | |
LockKey | |
LTWatermark | |
Maintenance | |
Map | |
MapPin | |
MaxImage | Any image id above this points to a custom image stored in the system |
Menu | |
Minus | |
MultiSelect | |
New | |
NewLink | |
None | |
Notes | |
Notify | |
Open | |
Owner | |
Partner | |
Paste | |
Path | |
PeriodClosing | |
Person | |
PieChart | |
Pin | |
Pivot | |
Plus | |
Properties | |
Property | |
PublicPrivate | |
PuzzleLight | |
PuzzlePiece | |
Question | |
Questions | |
QuickAccess | |
Quit | |
Rainbow | |
Ratchet | |
ReciprocalExchangeRate | |
Recycle | |
Refresh | |
RefreshFolder | |
RefreshRole | |
RefreshServer | |
Report | |
RightArrow | |
Role | |
Sandbox | |
Save | |
ScalesMoney | |
Search | |
SecurityShield | |
Select | |
Sequential | |
Server | |
ServerProcess | |
Sigma | |
Sort | |
SQLClient | |
SQLFile | |
SSRS | |
Strategy | |
Switch | |
SwitchUser | |
Tabs | |
Tag | |
Team | |
Template | |
TextControl | |
Theme | |
Tick | |
Transaction | |
TransactionCode | |
TransactionFilter | |
TransactionGL | |
TransactionSigma | |
TransactionValue | |
TransactionValueType | |
Transfer | |
Translate | |
Trigger | |
UniqueID | |
UpArrow | |
Upload | |
UploadCSV | |
UploadSteps | |
User | |
UserPermission | |
UserRole | |
Validate | |
Venn | |
Version | |
Waiver | |
Warning | |
WarningRefresh | |
Workflow | |
Extension Methods