Enum ImageType
An enum of the standard images within the LemonEdge application.
Images can be referenced by this Enum or by the equivalant Guid value. Guid values outside this enum range refer to unique custom images configured within the LemonEdge platform.
Namespace: LemonEdge.Utils
Assembly: LemonEdge.Utils.dll
public enum ImageType : short
Name | Description |
AddIn | |
AddInModule | |
Adjustment | |
AdjustmentGroup | |
Algorithm | |
AlgorithmRun | |
AllocationMethod | |
AllocationRule | |
AmountAllocation | |
Answer | |
Associations | |
Attachment | |
Batch | |
Binoculars | |
BlendTransactions | |
BlendingTransactionTypes | |
Broadcast | |
Busy | |
Button | |
CSharpCode | |
Cancel | |
Canvas | |
Capital | |
Carry | |
Certificate | |
CertificateType | |
ChartOfAccounts | |
Charts | |
ChecklistComplete | |
ChecklistEmpty | |
ClearingBroker | |
Client | |
Close | |
CloseTabs | |
Closing | |
CodeSnippet | |
Cog | |
CogGroup | |
Collapse | |
Collateral | |
Comments | |
Company | |
CompanyGroup | |
CompanyOrg | |
CompanyType | |
ConditionalGate | |
ContactInfo | |
Contract | |
ContractType | |
Contracts | |
Copy | |
Counter | |
CoverageType | |
Currency | |
CustomView | |
CustomViewControl | |
Cut | |
DataModel | |
DataTableCell | |
DataTableColumn | |
DataTableRow | |
DataView | |
DatabaseAdd | |
Dataset | |
DateTime | |
Delete | |
Design | |
Documents | |
Domicile | |
DownArrow | |
Download | |
DownloadCSV | |
DownloadPDF | |
EditColumn | |
EditFilter | |
EntityDefinition | |
Equals | |
Eraser | |
Error | |
Excel | |
ExcelSheet | |
ExcelTemplate | |
ExcelWorkbook | |
ExchangeRates | |
Execute | |
Exit | |
Expand | |
ExternalConnector | |
Eye | |
Favourite | |
FavouriteAdd | |
FavouriteRemove | |
Fees | |
FileExplorer | |
Filter | |
FinaliseTransaction | |
FindAndReplace | |
Folder | |
FolderPrivate | |
FolderSafe | |
FolderSafePrivate | |
FolderTree | |
FolderWithDocument | |
Function | |
FundEntity | |
Funds | |
GLAccount | |
GLAccountType | |
Grid | |
GroupedTransactions | |
Grouping | |
Handshake | |
History | |
Holiday | |
Home | |
Iceberg | |
Image | |
Industry | |
Information | |
InvestorGroup | |
LTWatermark | |
Layers | |
Layouts | |
Ledger | |
LeftArrow | |
LemonEdge | |
LemonEdgeBlackBackground | |
Link | |
LinkPlus | |
LinkedItems | |
Loan | |
LockKey | |
Maintenance | |
Map | |
MapPin | |
MaxImage | Any image id above this points to a custom image stored in the system |
Menu | |
Minus | |
Monitoring | |
MultiSelect | |
New | |
NewLink | |
News | |
None | |
Notes | |
Notify | |
Office | |
Open | |
Owner | |
Partner | |
Paste | |
Path | |
PeriodClosing | |
Person | |
PieChart | |
Pin | |
Pivot | |
Plus | |
Post | |
PostProcessing | |
Properties | |
Property | |
PublicPrivate | |
PuzzleLight | |
PuzzlePiece | |
QueryShortcut | |
Question | |
Questions | |
QuickAccess | |
Quit | |
Rainbow | |
Ratchet | |
Rate | |
RateType | |
ReciprocalExchangeRate | |
Recycle | |
Refresh | |
RefreshFolder | |
RefreshRole | |
RefreshServer | |
Relationships | |
Rename | |
Report | |
ReportExpress | |
RightArrow | |
Role | |
SQLClient | |
SQLFile | |
SSRS | |
Safe | |
SafeIn | |
SafeOk | |
SafeOut | |
Sandbox | |
Save | |
ScalesMoney | |
Schedule | |
Search | |
SecurityShield | |
Select | |
Sequential | |
Server | |
ServerProcess | |
ServerRestart | |
Sigma | |
Sort | |
Split | |
Statistics | |
Strategy | |
Switch | |
SwitchUser | |
Tabs | |
Tag | |
Tax | |
Team | |
Template | |
TextControl | |
Theme | |
Tick | |
Transaction | |
TransactionCode | |
TransactionFilter | |
TransactionGL | |
TransactionSigma | |
TransactionValue | |
TransactionValueType | |
Transfer | |
Translate | |
Trigger | |
Umbrella | |
UniqueID | |
UpArrow | |
Upload | |
UploadCSV | |
UploadSteps | |
User | |
UserChange | |
UserLink | |
UserPermission | |
UserRole | |
Validate | |
Valuation | |
ValuationType | |
Venn | |
Version | |
Waiver | |
Warning | |
WarningRefresh | |
Word | |
Workflow | |