AddIn Modules
AddIns are the core of the LemonEdge platform, and enable you to easily, and quickly, turn the platform into a fully fledged enterprise grade solution for your financial services needs. All our Accelerators [more info] are AddIns that you can drop onto the platform and instantly start running your industry vertical solution with.
AddIn Modules are a powerful way to utilise the LemonEdge API & Triple Lock to quickly tailor a powerful solution for you enabling you to do more.
AddIn Module Features
An AddIn Module is a collection of one, or more, .Net Core dll libraries you've written (or been given as an accelerator) to provide functionality on top of the LemonEdge platform. The dll can be written in any supported .Net language (c#, f#, VB.Net, etc) that supports your current in-house knowledge.
AddIns are unlimited in their potential and can be used for a variety of core processes including, but not limited to:
- Creating new entities
- Can start coding from scratch or using code provided by our Auto-Code Designers.
- Creating algorithms that can:
- Query your entities and any other entities in the system.
- Perform processes on the data
- Create, Update, Delete entities
- Commit your changes in a single isolated transaction with automatic validation and permission checks.
- Make your algorithms available to run directly on the client or separately as a process that can be offloaded to task servers.
- Interact with any third party systems however you like
- Create UI components that seamlessly integrate with our multi-platform client applications
- Create grids of entities
- Create custom views
- Create custom commands that invoke your algorithms
Most importantly though you never need feel limited by our API. 60% of the LemonEdge solution itself was written using our own API - All the entities you interact with from users, roles, permissions to transactions, and reporting are built using our own API. You can take a granular approach right down to sql for the back-end should you need to, and can write your own custom UI views to load into the client applications as well.
AddIn Modules can be edited using the following views:
AddIn Modules View
AddIns View