Tool Window - Selection View
The Tool Window Selection View is available for tool windows that can work against specific sets of data. This view allows you to toggle between working with the main data of the current active layout, or the currently selected grid row of the current active layout.
Selection View Features
The Selection View works against the current active layout and allows you to toggle between the data of the layout itself, or the current selected grid row.
By default the view works against the currently active layout only, however if you toggle it then as you select different grid rows in the layout this view will prompt any children views (normally the specific tool window view itself) to refresh and display data relevant for the newly selected grid row.
This view is the parent view of the Tool Window Layout (see layout for more info), and the other tool windows in the layout are child views of this selection one. In other words it passes the data to those tool window views to display as it is this views responsibility to determine if it is passing the layout data, or the active selected grid row. This means in the default Layouts area you can configure any tool window layout like any other.
The selection view has the following single custom command:
Toggle showing tab/selected view item
Toggles between the tool window displaying data for the active layout or for the currently selected grid row within it.