Interface IGrouping
The system entity for groupings
Inherited Members
Namespace: LemonEdge.API.Entities.Data
Assembly: LemonEdge.API.dll
[EntityDefinition(EntityID.Grouping, "dbo.LT_Groupings", "Grouping", LabelColumn = "Name", IsStandingDataEntity = false)]
[EntityIndex(Name = "GroupingType", ColumnNames = new string[] { "HasGroupingTypeID" }, IndexOrder = new IndexOrder[] { IndexOrder.Ascending }, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = false)]
[EntityIndex(Name = "GroupingParent", ColumnNames = new string[] { "ParentID" }, IndexOrder = new IndexOrder[] { IndexOrder.Ascending }, IncludeColumns = new string[] { "Operator", "Name", "Sequence", "ID" }, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = false)]
[EntityIndex(Name = "GroupingRelated", ColumnNames = new string[] { "RelatedItemID" }, IndexOrder = new IndexOrder[] { IndexOrder.Ascending }, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = false)]
[EntityIndex(Name = "Name", ColumnNames = new string[] { "Name", "UserID" }, IndexOrder = new IndexOrder[] { IndexOrder.Ascending, IndexOrder.Ascending }, IncludeColumns = new string[] { "SafeID", "Version", "ParentID", "AlgorithmStepID" }, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = false)]
[EntityIndex(Name = "User", ColumnNames = new string[] { "UserID", "Name" }, IndexOrder = new IndexOrder[] { IndexOrder.Ascending, IndexOrder.Ascending }, IncludeColumns = new string[] { "SafeID", "Version", "ParentID", "AlgorithmStepID" }, IsClustered = false, IsUnique = false)]
public interface IGrouping : IBaseEntityWithPermissions, IBaseEntity, IEquatable<IBaseEntity>, INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyPropertyChanging, ICloneableAsync, ICanTrackProperties, IUserSpecific, ISetCopier, IHasVersion
The description for the items in this grouping.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, true)]
[EntityDescription("The description for the items in this grouping.")]
string Description { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
Any entity with a grouping can link to this grouping as its single grouping parent if the type matches
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true, IsEntityTypeLink = true)]
[EntityDescription("Any entity with a grouping can link to this grouping as its single grouping parent if the type matches.")]
Guid? HasGroupingTypeID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Guid? |
The method in which reports can combine grouping items
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false, "0")]
[EntityDescription("The method in which reports can combine grouping items.")]
GroupingItemReportingCombination ItemReportingCombination { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
GroupingItemReportingCombination |
The name of the grouping
[EntityProperty(SQLType.NVarChar, 500, false)]
[EntityDescription("The name of the grouping.")]
string Name { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
An operator to use for aggregating grouped items in query tools
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false, "1")]
[EntityDescription("An operator to use for aggregating grouped items in query tools")]
MathOperator Operator { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
MathOperator |
Links to IGrouping. Holds the parent grouping this is a child of if part of a heirarchical filter
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true)]
[EntitySelfRelationship("ID", SingleJoinType.ZeroToOne, "IGrouping", "Groupings", DeleteWithRelationship = true, PartOfParentSet = true, LinkToItemInSet = false, InheritPermissions = false, PreventAutoConstraint = true)]
Guid? ParentID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Guid? |
The globally unique id of the entity (of type ItemTypeID) that is related within this grouping
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true)]
[EntityDescription("The globally unique id of the entity (ItemTypeID) that is related within this grouping.")]
[EntityLinkToAnyParentRelationship("RelatedItemTypeID", SingleJoinType.One, "Related Groupings", false, new Type[] { typeof(IVennSetQueryableItem), typeof(ISQLTypeWrapper), typeof(IDatasetQueryableItem) }, OnlyWithLabels = true)]
Guid? RelatedItemID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Guid? |
The type of related item
[EntityProperty(SQLType.UniqueIdentifier, true, IsEntityTypeLink = true)]
[EntityDescription("The type of related item.")]
Guid? RelatedItemTypeID { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Guid? |
[Key] Holds the order of this grouping within the whole the parent grouping
This field is hidden in the grid, but you can show it using our standard grid commands. You can easily change it using the Move Up/Down commands too.
[EntityProperty(SQLType.SmallInt, false)]
[EntityDescription("Holds the order of this grouping within the whole the parent grouping.")]
short Sequence { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
short |