Query Runner Step Parameters View
Query Runner Step Parameters are used to determine the values that should be passed to the parameters for the handler of the step each time the step is run. These parameter values can be different on each run of the step depending on the query runner results, or formula evaluation, ensuring you can generate different files according to your requirements.
Query Runner Step Parameters Features
All Query Runner Steps have an associated Query Runner Handler Type (see API documentation for more information, but the system ones are SQL Wrappers and Reports). As such they have parameters that we need to automatically supply the values to each time this step is run for each result in the Query Runners main SQL Wrapper results set.
These parameters allow hardcoded values for the parameters or a formula that can be dynamically evaluated at run time.
It's important to note there is no user interaction at this stage. The parameters must be provided automatically from the system for the current row result of the Query Runner. SO every parameter the step needs must be null intentionally, have a hard coded value or a formula that gets the value you want from the current SQL Wrapper row of results.
Runner Handler Parameters
Whenever you select a Runner Handler Type for the Query Runner Step the system will automatically create a Query Runner Step Parameter for every parameter that handler has.
If you change the handler type it will automatically refresh the parameters for you.
In other words the system will always make sure the Query Runner Step Parameters remain in sync with the actual parameters for the Runner Handler Type (be that a Report, SQL Wrapper, or custom API entity) for you. You simply need to determine what the value passed to that parameter should be.
Query Runner Step Parameter Properties
The Query Runner Step Parameters are as follows:
Name | Description |
Parameter | The name of the parameter for the Runner Handler Type |
Default Value | A default hardcoded value to always supply to the parameter |
Formula Value | A formula value that is dynamically evaluated on each run to provide a value for the parameter |
You can leave the default and formula value blank to indicate the parameter will be passed its default value or null automatically.
The Formula Value works against the Formula Functions With Query Runner Results context (see API for more information). This allows you to perform all standard formula functions along with accessing the SQL Wrapper results, like the following:
The formula builder window shows the properties and Query Runner functions available, along with their uses.
Using this simple setup, you have access to getting the values for the parameters from the Query Runner global parameters, SQL Wrapper results and any other standard function.
A Query Runner Step Parameter has the standard set of commands, excluding new and delete (as the system automatically keeps them in sync with the Runner Handler Parameters for you), and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.
Query Runner Step Parameters also have the following custom commands:
Opens the formula builder window to edit the formula value for the parameter that is dynamically evaluated at run-time to retrieve the value for.