This is a standard system SQL Wrapper [more info] provided by the platform and automatically upgraded on every new release. Do not change this SQL Wrapper unless you are confident about the changes you are making - Contact LemonEdge Support for any queries.
Get Canvas Items Features
This SQL Wrapper is automatically generated by the system every time changes are made to the Entities in the system. This is either through LemonEdge updates, Custom Entities you've created or Entities you've added through code in our API and imported through our AddIn Modules. Whenever the entities in the system change it needs to update this SQL Wrapper to ensure the system can report on all changes across all entities in a canvas.
This means you can't change this SQL Wrapper as it will just be overwritten by the system anyway. If you want to change it make a copy and work with that.
This SQL Wrapper is automatically used by the system when displaying all changes that have been made in a canvas. See here for more info.
As with all system SQL Wrappers you can view the SQL code for yourself to see how the system runs this process to ensure there are no black-box algorithms closed of from you.
The SQL Wrapper itself can take a while to run depending on the size of changes across a canvas. The process the sql performs itself is quite simple, just repeated for every entity in the system.
The process to gather all changes in a canvas works as follows for each entity type:
- Determine all changes in the canvas that also exist as records in the main system - those are updates.
- Determine all changes in the canvas that never existed as records in the main system - those are new items created in the canvas
- Determine changes in the canvas history that are deleted records. If those records exist in the main system then they are deletes in the canvas. If they never existed in the main system they were created and deleted exclusively within the canvas.
This process is repeated for every entity in the system with the results gathered together as one Dataset.
This SQL Wrapper has no additional parameters other than the standard parameters of any SQL Wrapper [more info].
The Canvas is a required parameter for this SQL Wrapper though, instead of being optional. If you supply no canvas you will get no results. The query is designed to work against a Canvas.
The results have the following columns in the data set:
Name | Description |
Object Type Label | The Label of the entity type this record is of |
Object Type | The unique id of the entity type this record is of. This column has a parent index of the Object Type Label column meaning the user will see the label instead of the ID (though both are available in an export) |
Account ID | The account ID of the changes |
ID | The unique ID of the record that has changed in this canvas |
LastUpdated | The date/time stamp of when this record was last changed in the canvas |
Modified By User | The user that made the last change to this record in the canvas |
Modified By User Label | The name of the that made the last change to this record in the canvas. This column has a parent index of the Modified By User column so the user sees this label rather than the id. |
Label | The label of the record that was changed in the canvas |
Status | The status of the record that was changed in the canvas:
From the canvas items view [see here] you can open these records to view them (in the main system if they exist, or from the canvas if they exist), you can also promote them into the main system (if you have permissions and are running in the main system).
All SQL Wrappers have the standard set of commands and functions when being viewed from a grid. See our standard grid functionality.
See here for more information on the standard SQL Wrappers result view.